Your page to learn about what is happening at City Council related to creating safe and accessible streets in Summerside and Area. We recognize the focus will be on the City of Summerside; however, if any members have information on the neighbouring communities, please let us know. We will also include related Provincial news as well.
A description of each issue is provided in the table below:
Related Items to SAFE that Required a Council Vote / Motion
Elected Official | Emerg Men's Shelter Nov 21 |
Parkside No Parking Feb 21 |
SAFE's AT Network Plan Apr 4 |
Pride Week July 17 |
Mayor Kutcher (Dec 2022 -) | NA | NR | NR | NR |
Councillor MacDougall (*1994-) | ![]() |
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Councillor Doiron (Dec 2018 -) | COI | ![]() |
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Councillor/DM Snow (Dec 2018 -) | ![]() |
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Councillor Gallant (Dec 2022-) | NA | ![]() |
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Councillor Cameron (Jun 2023-) | NA | NA | NA | ![]() |
Councillor McColeman (2002 - 2010; 2014-) | ![]() |
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Councillor Morrison (Dec 2022-) | NA | ![]() |
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Councillor Adams (Dec 2018 -) | ![]() |
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Councillor Ramsay (Dec 2018- 2023) | ![]() |
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* was elected to the St. Eleanors Community Council in 1989
COI = conflict of interest
NA = not appropriate as not sworn in at that time
PEI = elected District 22 MLA (byelection needing to be held)
NR = not required (a Mayor only votes when there is a tie)
SAFE Summerside supports an emergency shelter for both men and women in the City of Summerside. On November 21, City Council voted 6-1 in favour and approved a men's shelter in Summerside. Councillor Doiron removed himself from the vote based on what he deemed a potential conflict of interest. He has stated he was/is 100% in support. Councillor McColeman was the lone Council Member who voted against approving an emergency men's shelter in Summerside. This would be the final City Council meeting before the new Council would be sworn in on December 5, 2022. With the increasing need to support people who need a safe place during the cold months, Council did not wait to vote until the next Council Meeting but acted immediately. |
December 19, 2022: Council Meeting
Additional Info: Council Meeting Information Package & Council Meeting Video Finance Report (Councillor MacDougall)
Technical Services Report (Councillor Doiron)
Police Services Report (Councillor Ramsay)
Municipal Services Report (Councillor Gallant)
The Guardian reports PC Sidney MacEwen's private member's bill, if passed, would set 2035 as the year in which all car sales in the province would be electric-powered. This would aid in the PEI government reaching its climate goal of net zero emissions by 2040. This bill to be debated in the Spring sitting. |
20% by 2026, 60% by 2030, and 100% by 2035. (The Chronicle Herald, Dec 30, 2022, Page B3) |
January 10, 2023 Committee of the Whole
Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ] RE: East-West Connector (Aaron MacDonald, Director of Technical Services):
RE: Ditch Infilling (Aaron MacDonald, Director of Technical Services) The Ditch Infilling Spreadsheet helps to understand the scope of this project. In total, the R1 properties left to ditch infill are in the 16.5 km range with a cost of $3,024 per metre (according to the online data). Deputy Mayor Cory Snow:
Mayor Dan Kutcher:
January 16, 2023: Council Meeting Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ]
Technical Services Report (Councillor Doiron)
Both Councillor MacDougall and Councillor Ramsay stated concerns about the street lights being turned off on the Boardwalk from Northumberland Street to MacKenzie Drive (47:30) |
February 7, 2023: Committee of the Whole Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ]
2019-Present: Cyclist Collisions (50%); Pedestrian Collisions (50%); One Pedestrian Fatality, 2020 Please note the above Big Three School Safety Connector was communicated to both the CAO and Mayor on February 15, 2023.
February 21, 2023: Council Meeting Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ]
Technical Services Report (Councillor Doiron)
Police Services (Councillor Ramsay)
Of interest, in January: Plowing streets 15 times, Plowing sidewalks 13 times, Salt streets 27 times, |
March 7, 2023: Committee of the Whole Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ] |
March 13, 2023: Budget Speech Additional Info: Budget 2023-24 & Meeting Video [ Minutes ]
As noted in the CBC article, the new east-west connector will include active transportation. Obviously, incorporating active transportation in the planning stages of new development is best practice and a more cost-effective option than adding AT after construction has been completed. "You don't have to be taking the car,' Mayor Kutcher said in the article. "We're hoping this will be able to help people walk or take their bicycle." [SAFE notes] This will be the first street in the history of the City where active transportation is created in conjunction with a new street. In our minds, that should have been the "title" of the article: "Summerside Makes History-First Street to be Built Inunison With Active Transportation In Mind! Kodus for such thoughtful and future-leading commitments. |
March 20, 2023: Council Meeting Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ] Here is our presentation and question period:
Some key quotes:
The outcome: If Council wished to proceed, they will bring this issue to the Committee of the Whole Agenda (the next meeting is in two weeks), and at such time Council may make a request to the City Staff to work towards an Official AT Network Plan. REPORTS
April 4, 2023: Committee of the Whole Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ]
Here is the response by the City Council as each Councillor presented their views on the All Ages & All Abilities Active Transportation Network Plan for the City of Summerside:
In the words of the Councillors:
Motion As Presented by Mayor Dan Kutcher:
It was unanimous support by all Council Members. Mayor Dan Kutcher ended with these words: "We look forward to hearing from Staff and bringing forward an Official Active Transportation Plan for the City of Summerside. Thank you very much, Ken, and all of the people who are here with you. You have worked really hard on this. We are not here yet, but certainly, a lot further down the path than before. So, thank you very much." We thank the Mayor and Council for supporting this initiative. And, with special reverence to Councillor Justin Doiron, who asked that active transportation be placed on the Agenda for discussion. Planning Board Meeting 130 Greenwood Drive (Official Plan and Zoning Amendment) - An application from Camco Inc. for PID #69781 to amend the City Official Plan from Industrial Map and Zoning Around Amendment
Future Lane Use Plan (p. 160 of the Official Plan) The City’s future industrial areas are shown on the Future Land Use Plan (FLUP). They include all presently zoned industrial lands and additions to the Greenwood Drive industrial area. City of Summerside Industrial Map
Parks and Greenspace Plan Section 7.3.2 indicates a future conservation area (Ice Pond Conservation Area Extension - 810) to the existing Ice Pond Conservation Area - 190. Section 7.3.3 indicates the Ice Pond Greenway – 750, would run from Greenshore Park – 330 to the Confederation Trail – 400 [SAFE Notes: Often arguments are made to use the Confederation Trail instead of creating an AT route when the Confederation Trail offers somewhat similar destinations. The same argument can be made in this case. Why would the City be exploring a Recreational Trail that runs parallel to the AT pathway on Greenwood Drive? Our theory is that a recreational trail and an AT pathway provide two different experiences and objectives.} Parks and Greenspace Plan Future Conservation Area Staff Comments: Compatibility of the proposed development with surrounding land uses, including both existing and projected Staff Comments: Any comments from residents or other interested persons. A public meeting was held on March 28, 2023. The public meeting notice was advertised in the March 15th, edition of the Guardian. Thirty (30) letters were mailed to twenty-nine (29) property owners. Peter Brown, presented, on behalf of Clifford McQuaid (Camco Inc.), an overview of the development and noted that the housing is needed in the Community STAFF REVIEW: City Staff are not opposed to the applications, from Camco Inc. for PID #69781 in entirety, to rezone to a mix of Service Commercial, Low Density Mixed Residential (R2) zone, High Density Residential (R4) and Medium Density Narrow Lot Density (R3r). Staff caution Council on rezoning the Light Industrial (M1) lands along Greenwood Drive for residential development. Please find the Planning Officer’s comments below regarding the current M1 zoned lands. Comments from Economic Development staff, were not available at the time of this report being submitted, comments will be provided to Mayor and Council prior to the planning board meeting. Planning Officer Comments: The subject property is approximately 60 acres in area, approximately 30 acres is buildable area. At the time of the original official plan in 1998, it has been Council’s intention for this property to be future expansion of the Pope Road/Greenwood Drive industrial park. Council’s policies noted in this report, do not explicitly prohibit Council from changing the official plan future land use map from industrial to residential with respect to the current application. However, removing 30 acres of employment lands (industrial) and designating to residential does not align with Council’s Economic Growth Strategy in Section 3.7.1 of the official plan and policy #7 highlighted above. If Council approves this change to the official plan Future Land Use Plan map (Schedule ‘B’), it is recommended: PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION: The application received from Camco Inc. for PID #69781 to amend the City Official Plan from Industrial land use to a mix of Commercial and Residential land use and the Zoning Bylaw from Light Industrial (M1) zone to a mix of Low Density Mixed Residential (R2) zone, High Density Residential (R4) zone and Medium Density Narrow Lot Residential (R3r) zone be recommended to be approved by Council: Moved by: Mayor Kutcher Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Snow (the corrected recommendation read at the April 11, 2023, Planning Board Meeting.) Discussion:
The planning board recommendation whether carried or defeated will be brought forward to Council for a final decision. (SAFE NOTES: Cannot seem to locate when this issue was brought back to Council but work has begun in this area.) |
April 5, 2023: a SAFE member witnessed, and reported to the Police, a youth on an e-scooter being hit by a motor vehicle in the parking lot of the PEI Cannabis Store. SAFE Summerside further sent a detailed communication to all City Councillors concerning this incident, and the need to move forward on safe active transportation.
April 17, 2023: Council Meeting Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ] Councillor McColeman stated she would not be voting in favour of letting it go forward because of safety, "I have watched traffic entering and exiting," and the change in residential to the commercial unit (1:01:00). Junior Mayors of the Town of Summerside
Junior Mayors of the City of Summerside
May 2, 2023: Committee of the Whole Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ]
MacKenzie Drive speeding/traffic calming (Councillor MacDougall) |
May 15, 2023: Monthly Council Meeting Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ] Emergency Services (Councillor Adams) Homelessness in Sside |
May 24, 2023: $7M+ in Active Transportation from the Province (news release).
May 29, 2023: Nick Cameron becomes City Councillor for Ward 3 following By-Election.
June 4, 2023: A pedestrian hit by a driver of a Motor Vehicle in the Silver Fox parking lot, and left the scene of the accident. The pedestrian was seriously injured, and listed in critical condition in a Moncton hospital. The driver was arrested. Police said the man is expected to be charged with dangerous driving causing bodily harm, failure to stop after an accident causing bodily harm, and assault with a weapon causing bodily harm. (CBC news)
June 6, 2023: Planning Board / Committee of the Whole Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ] Of interest, a Medical Office/Pharmacy and Rental Space was proposed at 433-447 Water Street (the location of the old Scooter Depot). The Planning Board carried forward unanimously and was approved by Council on June 19. East West Connector Update In 2008 the East West Connector Street Plan was approved by City Council. In that document, it suggests the creation of a connector zone, specifically for the properties directly abung this new street. The width of this zone would be 61 m (200 feet), on both sides of the new street. Since then, we have not created the zoning that was suggested. It was presented to Technical Services Committee in 2009 and has not been moved beyond that date. Now that the project has been budgeted for this year, and the design is continuing for the East West connector project, it is time to start the process of getting the associated zoning in place for this development area (200 feet along the flow of the road), Page 3 of Info Package). Rotary Friendship Park - the intent would be to maintain the trail with the possibility of creating a parking lot where the East West Connector and Trail cross (decisions to be made at a later date). SAFE NOTES: The current plan for the road includes a bi-directional (3.0 meters) AT Pathway. (We at SAFE celebrate this! This is the first new street designed with AT in mind! ) 3.0 meters for a bi-directional is the desired width according to the PEI AT Network Plan and national standards (BC and QC). However, because of contraflow traffic issues and the risk of AT user injury, more caution and consideration needs to occur - we recommend a unidirectional on the new corridor. Committee of the Whole Three Current Committees: |
June 14, 2023: Special Council Meeting - 255 Greenwood Drive (Rezoning Amendments) Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ] Residents stated safety concerns with the Pope Road/Greenwood Drive intersection, and how narrow Greenwood Drive is, and residents shared it was not safe currently. Councillor Dorion stated he supports traffic lights at the Pope / Greenwood intersection. Traffic concerns were raised on the impact of increased traffic on Pope Road and Greenwood Drive not being able to accommodate the added traffic. Councillor MacDougall reported there continues to be a concern with the growing traffic on Pope Road and South Drive. Developers recognized the need to work with the residents, the City, and make amendments to their proposal. Council passed the resolutions to bring the rezoning application to the Planning Board Meeting.
Staff Comments: ADEQUACY OF EXISTING WATER, SEWER, ROAD, STORM WATER and ELECTRICAL SERVICES TRAFFIC VOLUME REVIEW GREENWOOD DRIVE Total volume increases on Greenwood drive from 1,431 VPD to 5,159 VPD. Approximate % increase of volume from this zone changes 23.0 % of the total street capacity at full development. Impacts from the development on pedestrian/vehicular access and safety, and on public safety generally. Of interest, the property rezoning application is highlighted in blue, and a separate land development plan by a different private contractor is also included in the grey lines to highlight the potential access points and connections. With these future plans, there would be five exit and extry points.
The Meeting Package highlights the image that follows is an extract from the Parks and Greenspace Plan that highlights a "pedestrian walkway" from Granville Street to Greenwood Drive. In fact, this is the Map from the draft City of Summerside Active Transportation Plan, 2012 (p. 33) as there is no such Map in the Parks and Greenspace Plan; however, the Platte River Greenway is listed in the Parks and Greenspace Plan (SAFE is encouraged to see this Greenway is still in the works but hopes the pedestrian walkway would be a multi-use AT pathway): STAFF REVIEW: City staff supports the application for a portion of PID #1163526 to amend the City Zoning Bylaw from Single Family Residential (R1) zone to Low Density Residential (R2) zone. Staff do not support the application for portions of PID #1163526 to amend the City Zoning Bylaw from Single Family Residential (R1) zone to High Density Residential (R4) zone and from Low Density Residential (R2) zone to High Density Residential (R4) zone as shown on the applicant’s plan. The proposed R1 to R2 is recommended by the Planning Board by 3 to 1. The proposed R1 to R4, and R2 to R4, are not recommended by the Planning Board by 4 to 0. Mayor Dan Kutcher spoke for 56 minutes to provide his comments as a member of the Planning Board on this rezoning application (begins at the 49-minute mark of the video). We highlight the comments related to active transportation below:
Now, a snapshot of the housing needs for Summerside, as detailed by Mayor Kutcher:
GREENWOOD and POPE INTERSECTION The data was also used to complete a Signal Warrant Analysis. The intersection review included completion of a traffic signal warrant analysis to consider whether traffic signals are the optimal form of traffic control. The signal warrant analysis uses vehicular and pedestrian volumes, and intersection, roadway and study area characteristics to calculate a warrant point value. An additional signal warrant was conducted to determine if traffic signals would be warranted under this lane configuration and forecasted future traffic volumes (DHVs with 30% growth) to reflect a horizon year. A growth factor of 1.3 (30% increase in volumes) has been applied to the DHVs to reflect future conditions. SUMMARY and Upgrade Options |
June 19, 2023: Monthly Council Meeting Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ] Appointment of Committees Priorities and Planning (new Committee) Bylaw and Governance (new Committee) 2023 City Road Work |
July 4, 2023: Committee of the Whole and Special Council Meeting COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Summerside Transit Update (presented by Mike Thususka, Dir Economic Development)
(the above photo is not of great quality, as the 2023 update does not seem to be available online; so, we took a screenshot from a PowerPoint presentation. The 2021 Report can be found here. ) We can see a major difference in the 2023 proposed single route with the 2021 proposed two route map:
All Councillors supported moving ahead on the 2023 Transit Update, and recommending that Staff research available funding options, and bring it back to Council. Sidewalks on Driveways Universal Basic Income Resolution SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING Two Resolutions from R1 to R2 - Council voted 7 to 1 in favour. Councillor Doiron did not support these Resolutions based on comments from residents and the impact on pedestrian and vehicular safety. All Resolutions from R1 to R4 - Council unanimously did not support any of the Resolutions. |
July 17, 2023: Monthly Council Meeting Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ] Downtown Waterfront Revitalization Committee, Chair: DM Snow Two RESOLUTIONS Approved: PRIDE WEEK STORM (Ditch Infilling) COMMITTEE "The Committee recommended two different streams ( [1] cost share: 75% city, 25% property owner to a max City contribution $4,500; [2] other property owners, 50% cost share to max city contribution $3,000) based primarily on the historic “promise” that is noted by many involved residents and Councillors past and present. The committee expects that this option may not completely satisfy all residents but believes it strikes the right balance when all factors are considered. It should also be noted that as the City continues to grow our network of sidewalks and active transportation routes there may be cases where a ditch is required to be infilled to make a sidewalk possible. In these instances, the City would cover 100% of the costs." Councillors will vote on this issue at the September Council meeting. |
July 21, 2023 -- POPE ROAD ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION EXTENSION > Survey crews (ground & arial) have begun work on Pope Road between Central St and South Dr in preparation for the Active Transportation extension. The work is expected to be ongoing for the next couple of weeks. (City of Summerside Facebook Notice).
July 28, 2023 -- CRAIG AVE. TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES > Traffic Calming Devices reinstated on Craig Avenue to control the excessive speed in the area. These devices will be in place until early November. (City of Summerside Facebook Public Notice)
Four serious incidents in PEI in two weeks:
August 9, 2023: Special Council Meeting Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ] Our All Ages and All Abilities AT Network Plan proposes a safe AT route from Gallant Street through to the Walmart Parking lot, utilizing currently a grass trail on private property, but with this development, we see great potential for the route to be paved via the connector road as indicated in the proposed layout:
![]() The concern (or, more precisely, an opportunity) comes that this application is for the rezoning of the subject property that falls directly on our proposed safe AT Route:
![]() We sent an email to Staff and Council asking if Staff and Council so thought it of benefit to add a caveat to the discussion/criteria, if approved, that space for a potential AT lane be created alongside the apartment building to support the safe AT route. Much like criteria would be added to support the Greenspace Plan in other properties. This appears to be the easiest (lowest cost) and safest alternative to having AT traffic on upper Granville Street.
August 21, 2023: Planning Board & Monthly Council Meeting Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ]
The recommendation to send the Rezoning Application to Council was approved unanimously. COUNCIL MEETING Councillor Adams stated she voted in opposition to a bylaw zoning amendment because "there are constant safety issues with the traffic volume on Water Street East. . . . this amendment would only exasperate the ongoing traffic and safety issues that are experienced daily by residents, pedestrians, and the traveling public . . . (1:52:30)
Police Services Report: "A comparison of enforcement numbers have been completed for January 1st 2022 to July 31, 2022 and January 1st, 2023 to July 31st, 2023. In 2022 a total of 570 charges were laid and 95 warning were issued. During the same time period in 2023 with the new Traffic Unit in place 980 charges were laid and 480 warnings were issued. The number of complaints from the public regarding speeding within the city has dropped significantly. We have been targeting problem areas with information received from the public and by using data created by Technical Services."
September 5, 2023: Planning Board, Special Council, & Committee of the Whole Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ] Five Conservation Areas in the City (Sec 5.11): Conservation areas are intended to cover situations on privately owned lands where local environmental conditions are considered to be: (a)hazardous to development, and/or(b)vulnerable to damage by development. Where such lands are owned by the City or are intended to be acquired in the immediate future for public purposes, they would be designated as parkland (see Section 5.8). The Future Land Use Plan (FLUP) presently designates five conservation areas listed below:
As outlined in Section 5, Council’s Parks and Green Space 2012 focuses on implementing a linear park system, which could include public trails on higher portions of flood greenways and wetland areas. However, Council does not commit to create public parks in the five areas identified above, and nothing in this Official Plan should be construed as implying any such intention. Section 7.3.3 New Greenways, Trails and Boardwalks (Policy) Councillor Adams asked about private owner agreement. CAO MacFarlane answered there are potential new trails mapped out but would need an agreement with private property owners before it is finalized. (22 mark) Of interest, this map of future extensions in the City: Mayor Kutcher and CAO MacFarlane discuss a trend to reduce parking maximums throughout the City, especially downtown (1:00:00 mark) Committee of the Whole Meeting Pope and Greenwood (Councillor Doiron) Mayor Kutcher said, "Street lights are also for helping people move safely. . . and if we want people to use fewer cars, use bicycles, we need that infrastructure." (1:40:00) Gillespie/Water Street (Councillor Cameron) Schurman Ave/Summer Street (Council Doiron) |
September 14, 2023: Planning Board Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ] The proposed street row accommodates a future right turn lane onto Water Street East as development occurs
Councillor Adams stated she is not in favour of this development as "it will only make traffic/pedestrian safety issues worse." "We cannot put any more traffic on Water Street East," and not supportive of the four-way intersection and the traffic issues continue. "People have problems now crossing the road; it is a recipe for disaster." Councillor MacDougall stated he believes "any street going in right now should have a right turning lane." (10:55) Aaron MacDonald stated a right turn lane on Water Street East, heading east to improve traffic flow, would only occur when the development is fully completed.
Mayor Kutcher said that the streets need to be integrated as Complete Streets as per the City's Official Plan and to connect to the already pedestrian network via sidewalk, and discussed the City needs to consider all development also within the lense of our Official Plan. (25:00)
September 18, 2023: Monthly Council Meeting Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ] SAFE Summerside created this map of the new Gillespie/Water Street East intersection with the City's plan and our recommendations. We wish to reiterate the City of Summerside historically has eliminated travelling shoulders when extra lanes have been added in the city; we recommend the street be widened, and a shoulder lane of similar width be created. |
October 3, 2023: Planning Board, Committee of the Whole, Special Council Meeting Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ]
120-unit Development at 433 Central Street
Moved to proceed to Council Meeting (Oct 16) on the recommendations of the Planning Board. On October 16, the application for Variance was approved unanimously. Committee of the Whole Meeting East-West Housing Corridor Road (1:05:00)
Complete Streets Apart of our current Official Plan (Page 55) (Mayor Kutcher) (1:27:00) Mayor Kutcher asked how do we design our streets to meet the standards/objectives of Complete Streets within the Official Plan and bring it to reality (paraphrased). He read the articles in the Official Plan, and ended with: "All the evidence shows if you want people to slow down, [the first is to police the speed limit], the second is narrower streets that slow vehicles down." Mayor Kutcher stated Complete Streets is in our Official Plan and asked how the city implements this policy as he is observing new streets created (ie, Key Ave) that do not have a sidewalk. Sent to the Planning Board, who will bring it back to the Committee of the Whole. History of Sidewalks (Aaron MacDonald) Pedestrian Walkway/Active Transportation Access to Water Street East (Councillor Adams) (1:43:10) |
October 16, 2023: Monthly Council Meeting Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ] School Zone Change on MacEwen Road - now runs from Athena to Three Oaks with no "break" in the school zone of 50 kph. Now, the entire stretch of MacEwen from Athena to Three Oaks is 40 kph. New Street on MacEwen Road - "A new street on MacEwen Road has been marked for traffic signs, stop bars and paint." (SAFE NOTES: Pretty sure the "new street" is the East-West Housing Corridor (so, no signal lights)
The Green Commute Club concluded in late September, with 4 staff members earning free individual CUP
memberships and 27 staff members earning free family CUP memberships |
November 7, 2023: Planning Board, Committee of the Whole, Special Council Meeting Additional Info: Information Package & Meeting Video [ Minutes ] Planning Board
Culture Summrside Strategy: - The City is very well equipped with cultural facilities, including the Wanda Wyatt Centre which houses the Harbourfront Theatre and the Eptek Exhibition Centre, the Lefurgey Cultural Centre, Bishop’s foundry and the Silver Fox museum. Additional attractions are being considered to support tourism, including the possibility of a discovery/ science centre in the west end of MacKenzie Drive. In 2012 the City completed a Municipal Culture Strategy. Culture can help build community ownership and pride. Culture is also an economic development strategy or often referred to as “cultural tourism”. The official plan will seek to develop cultural land use strategies as appropriate in future planning studies. Committee of the Whole
Active Transportation Network Plan (JP Desrosiers) - 16:12 mark
Active Transportation: November 2023 Update - JP Desrosiers (Dir of Community Services)
SAFE RESPONSE RE: Bidirectional We provided a video presentation on November 5, 2023, to City Staff and City Council prior to this meeting to discuss the research and inherent risks of contraflow traffic on bidirectional AT pathways. We provided three studies on the risks of bidirectional as well as the risks of bidirectional by current users of Greenwood Drive. We are currently writing an Annotated Bibliography to summarize the research. SAFE believes every street needs to be assessed on whether a bidirectional or unidirectional is more suitable (with a lens on future development), and the public (user groups) and SAFE should be consulted before the final design is approved by the City. Here is our video that highlights three of many research studies:
At this moment, in Charlottetown, the public is being consulted on whether the proposed new Multi-Use Pathway on North River Road (exciting!) will be bidirectional or unidirectional. Public consultation is a supported process that SAFE engages in and encourages the City of Summerside to as well. This is the graphic of the public consultation: SAFE RESPONSE RE: PEI Design Standards The current PEI AT Network Plan (draft, June 2022) provides the following: Facility Guidelines (P 14 -25):
These facility guidelines are consistent with key provincial national guidelines: BC AT Design Guide and Transports Quebec. They are also aligned with the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO). They are also the same guidelines that the City of Summerside included in their 2007 and in their 2012 draft Active Transporation Plans. We say this to illustrate how long these exact guidelines have been in place. General Network Guidelines (Page 26-32): The General Network Guidelines list the following items:
The bottom line is the exact standard that tells the Municipality when to use a bidirectional/unidirectional is not currently in the draft PEI AT Network Plan. The same can be said about guidelines on what determines a protected AT Pathway vs a non-protected paint and a shoulder; it is a combination of traffic, collision data, vulnerable populations, close to schools, existing space, appurtenances, etc. Essentially, it is Municipal jurisdiction to determine these items for themselves. ===END OF SAFE NOTES==== ATV using the Confederation Trail (27:00) Every year, the Province asks the City whether the City wants the gates open or closed for the winter months. Essentially, open means the trails would be accessible to snowmobiles; closed and the gates are not accessible. The gates are not accessible in the winter for snowmobiles. The issue was with ATVs looking to assess the Trail. If the City is approached, they will meet with them and discuss. Mayor's Task Force on Attainable Housing (2:34:00) An important and historical work for the City of Summerside. For the purposes of active transportation, AT was referenced in Program & Services Solutions (#17): AT is also included in the East-West Corridor Growth Node as part of the HAF funding application:
November 20, 2023: Planning Board, COW, Special Council Meeting Planning Board Meeting 530 Central St & 383 Sherbrooke Rd (Official Plan & Zoning Amendments) re: Enterprise Venture Group Inc.'s application Impacts from the development on pedestrian/vehicular access and safety, and on public safety generally
Staff Comment: Accesses for the subject properties will need to be from Central Street; the access must be a minimum of 80m from the south edge of Sherbrooke Rd to reduce conflict point of vehicles entering right turn lane on to Central Street from Sherbrooke Rd. Currently, there is no pedestrian access along this section of Central Street. The closest sidewalk stops at the intersection of Walker Ave. and Central St. The storm system along this area is open ditch and would need to be infilled and a storm system installed to accommodate a sidewalk installation. Council unanimously approved this amendment at the Dec 5 Committee of the Whole. [SAFE Notes] Our Proposed Unidirectional Pathway from Sherbrooke Road up through Central would alleviate these concerns. Planning Board voted in favour and moved item to next meeting (COW) for vote.
Monthly Council Meeting
Immigrant Summerside Presentation (IRSA)
Enhanced Culvert Connect Program Policy Approved receives unanimous support.
Mayor's Task Force on Attainable Housing receives unanimous support.
Finance Report: The preparation of our 2024-25 capital and operating budgets will soon begin and the schedule will be provided once it has been confirmed. We are seeking input on our proposed budget and are inviting residents, businesses and stakeholders to provide comments on what they would like to see reflected in the upcoming budget. Feedback is being accepted until 12:00pm AST on Friday, December 15th, 2023. Please see our website for a form to submit your input. Hard copy written submissions can be mailed or dropped off to City Hall, 275 Fitzroy St C1N 1H9 to the attention of Kristen Dunsford. [SAFE Notes] Not able to locate the link on the website. On Dec 8, we asked City Staff for the link—no response as of today.
Municipal Services
Police Services The new traffic section has been up and running for ten months. Comparing stats from 2023 to 2022 for the same time frame:
- In 2022, there were 756 tickets issued plus 116 written warnings. - In 2023, with the traffic unit in place, there was 1593 tickets issued plus 627 written warnings |
November 29, 2024: Legislative Assembly of PEI: Motion 77: Keeping ATVs off the Confederation Trail (page 2460-2470).
Visit this video link to listen to the full debate (at the 2:11:25 mark until the 2:58 mark)
Quote from Robert Henderson (O'Leary-Inverness):
I know some members have said, “Where did this issue come from?” Well, I can tell you where it came from. It came from an election campaign recently. I remember all the candidates were eventually invited out to the ATV Club in the Member from Alberton-Bloomfield’s riding. I went one night, and they had a lot of stuff there, a lot of ATVs. But when the Conservative candidate happened to go out there, he came with the Premier.
They rode in on their ATV, and although I can’t say I know exactly what was said since I was not there, they certainly gave an indication they were going to review this Confederation Trail issue. I think it's where it’s all come from. I have to admit, they seemed to have a lot of that candidate’s signs up after that particular meeting. (page 2469)
All Legislative Assembly Members present supported the Motion to Keep ATVs off the Confederation Trail, including five out of six MLAs for Summerside and Area: Matt MacFarlane, Matthew MacKay, Tyler DesRoches, Hilton MacLennan, and Gilles Arsenault). Barb Ramsay was not in attendance at this meeting.
Only one Member, Hal Perry (Leader of the Official Opposition), did not support the Motion.
Motion carried.
[SAFE Notes: SAFE Summerside submitted a 15-page letter of recommendations as part of the PEI Government Confederation Trail Public Consultation process. SAFE Summerside did not support ATVs on the Confederation Trail.
December 5, 2023: Committee of the Whole, Special Council Meeting Committee of the Whole Councillor Rick Morrison stated concerns with the Granville Intersection (Tim Horton's/Wendy's and Sobeys) as it does not have turning arrows, is in need of upgrades, etc. A discussion on previous issues on this intersection. The overall conversation highlighted the land is private property and DM Cory Snow stating that "We have done lots of things without owning the land, and it should have been done when improving the traffic." Council supported passing the issue to Planning Board Committee to review, and consider pedestrian traffic. Councillor Morrison referenced SAFE Summeside as having concerns with this intersection. Special Council Meeting The City of Summerside has received an application from 102454 PEI Inc. (Nathan Kember) for a portion of PID #756825 to amend the City Zoning Bylaw from Service Commercial (C2) zone to High Density Residential (R4) zone. The purpose of the zoning amendment is to allow high density housing (ie. row house, town house, apartment building) in the proposed R4 zone. Proposed Official Plan Amendment: Change the land use from Commercial land use to Residential land use Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment: Change the zoning from Service Commercial (C2) zone to High Density Residential (R4) zone Mr. Kember expressed the province is "rumbling" about a roundabout at this intersection, and this property would make the Read's Corner intersection a four-way intersection. |
December 7, 2023: SAFE provided our official response to City of Summerside in two documents:
- SAFE Summerside Official Response
- An Active Transportation Retrofit of Intersections that Pose a Risk to AT Users
December 18, 2023: Planning Board, Monthly, & Public Emergency Shelter Meeting Monthly Council Meeting Emergency Shelter 25 Frank Mellish Drive - First Reading Finance |
January 9, 2024: Planning Board, Committee of the Whole, Special Council Meeting Committee of the Whole East-West Housing Corridor Update (Councillor Adams) Draft Active Transportation Network (JP DesRosiers) (1:34:40 mark) Update (copied from slides):
From Map: (1:36:00)
Questions (1:39 mark) Councillor Norma McColeman asked about budget projections. D-CAO Desrosiers stated no budget projections have been provided. Councillor Cory Snow asked how have SAFE responded to this plan. JP Desrosiers stated he is not sure yet as he has not followed up with SAFE yet on the City of Summerside's above draft plan. He stated he wanted to bring it to Council first, stating they did include a number of routes that SAFE have identified and that the SAFE Summerside plan is more "robust with a significant amount of more routes identified" -- "that beyond the next 8-10 years there could be more routes that we can incorporate, but planning beyond 2032, knowing how fast our community is changing, might be an exercise in futility. I think right now the next 8 years being mapped is a pretty good start." Councillor Nick Cameron discussed the importance of connecting AT lanes to destinations that people use AT to travel to, such as grocery stores, discussing that active transportation is more than exercise or recreation, "it is for people who only have a bike to ride around to get to places." D-CAO Desrosiers explained there would be "helpful tips" on how to navigate to Walmart or other places without AT routes. D-CAO Desrosiers also communicated that "there is not a really good financially feasible method to get to north of Granville commercial district, unfortunately, and I don't want that to hinder all the other good routes we want to accomplish now....So, Gallant Street is a great option once you get off the Pope Road Extension to get down behind the grocery stores, so that will be a helpful tip amongst our promotion." Councillor Justin Dorion asked if the new East-West Corridor budget contains AT or if it would come out of the AT budget line. D-CAO Desrosiers said it would be determined at budget time. Mayor Kutcher also stated, "it would be nice to explore what Councillor Cameron stated to connect to high-value designations, whether it be schools or grocery stores can be easily connected, a map to illustrate how the routes connect to destinations, also to schools, would be important. The next step is to "put more meat on the bones on the first slide" to add targets and parameters and bring the draft active transportation network plan to the Planning Board for further consideration, review, and send to the Council. |
January 15, 2024: Monthly Council Meeting Emergency Shelter (8 pm to 8 am) - 25 Frank Mellish - Restricted Use Application In Support of Tabling the Discussion: Councillors Cory Snow, Bruce MacDougall, Carrie Adams, and Norma McColeman As Oppossed to Tabling the Discussion: Councillors Rick Morrison, Justin Doiron, Barb Gallant, and Nick Cameron. Finance |
February 20, 2024: Monthly Council Meeting Finance The preparation of our 2024-25 capital and operating budgets is well underway and council has begun their deliberations with several meetings scheduled during the month of February. We expect to present this budget to our businesses, non-profit organizations and residents on Tuesday, March 12 at 12:00pm and vote on the budget on Wednesday, March 27 at 12:00pm Technical Services |
March 5, 2024: Committee of the Whole & Special Council Meeting Committee of the Whole Special Council 109 Small Ave Rezoning for Apartment Building Councillor Carrie Adams stated (1:28:25) that "Small Ave. is without a doubt the road I get the most calls and concerns about when it comes to pedestrian safety, when it comes to speeding, when it comes to vehicles running stop signs at Flamingo and Small." City Staff to present Report to the Planning Board on March 13. On March 13 [Meeting Package], the rezoning application motion was tied 2-2 (for: Justin Doiron and Rick Morrison; against: Mayor Dan Kutcher and DM Cory Snow), and thus a tie is considered support by the Planning Board [video], and it will go before Council at the next Council Meeting. At the March 18, 2024, Council Meeting a vote occurred on this rezoning, Councillor Carrie Adams stated (38:10), "I don't know what more I can say, other than the issues I've stated before. Safety is the main issue. There is no sidewalk, poor shoulder, no road markings, no playground in the immediate area." Other Councillors talked about their reasons for not supporting this rezoning (38:10 to the 48:41 mark). All Councillors voted against this resolution. |
March 12, 2024: Budget Speech The budget is presented and open for public comment for 14 days. The budget received a unanimous vote on March 27 by Council. Types of Captial Projects include $5.5 million for the second part of phase 1 of the east west connector. SAFE Summerside was awarded $2,500. SAFE emailed the City on March 13 to request detailed information on the AT infrastructure, sidewalks, and intersection improvements. Feedback from that email is included above. |
March 18, 2024: Monthly Council Meeting Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory Report Summerside recently commissioned a Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory Report. This study aims to identify comprehensively and model greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the city. By doing so, it lays the groundwork for a nuanced understanding of the sources and patterns of emissions, providing a foundation for informed decision-making. The study goes beyond mere analysis; it actively seeks out opportunities for GHG reduction throughout the region. By exploring and developing strategies to curtail emissions, the city is not only adapting to the challenges posed by climate change but also positioning itself as a leader in sustainable development. At 2.7 tonnes per capita, Summerside is leading the way on GHG emissions on a per capita basis in PEI which came in at 10.0 tonnes per capita and 17.7 nationally. The City looks to further implement innovation and adaptation to drive that number lower. Given the opportunities and direct link to economic development, growth, and sustainability, Summerside is poised to further collaborate with industry to help the community reach new heights in the fight against emissions. The city’s top three sources of community GHG emissions are SAFE requested the report from City Staff on April 4, 2024. The City of Summerside is working on tactical execution in the following six areas.
Summerside Police Services Police Services will start with videos and photos to offer traffic safety tips by our officers. They will put out such messages on video or, at the very least, in written form: “Traffic Tuesdays.” Municipal Works "Traffic controllers programming for Ryan and Granville intersection" is noted in the Minutes. SAFE followed up on this issue on March 19, 2024, via email, and City Staff communicated on the same day that "green arrows were coming on every cycle without the need for a vehicle to be in the turning lanes – it has been occurring for quite some time and is yet to be resolved as more instances have cropped up. Still working out the details." We thank the City for their quick response. |
April 2, 2024: Planning Board, Committee of the Whole, Special Council Meeting Committee of the Whole Sidewalks (Asphalt vs Concrete, Councillor Carrie Adams) Green Commute (Councillor Nick Cameron) |
April 15, 2024: Planning Board & Monthly Council Meeting Monthly Council Meeting Appointment to Committees |
April 16, 2024: Councillor Bard Gallant charged with fraud over $5,000
Follow this link for the news story, and the following is the Public Statement by the City of Summerside:
Summerside City Council and City Administration have been made aware that criminal charges have been laid against Councillor Barb Gallant. These charges did not arise as result of her capacity as a City Councillor.
As this is an active criminal matter that will be brought before the courts, it is inappropriate for either Council or Administration to provide any comments at this time.
Any procedural requirements under the City’s Code of Conduct bylaw will be deferred until the criminal matter has concluded, to avoid prejudicing either the defendant or the prosecution. All inquiries should be directed to the Summerside Police Department.
May 14, 2024: Planning Board & Committee of the Whole, Special Council Meeting
May 21, 2024: Monthly Council Meeting Homeless Situation in Summerside [NOTE: Images included in slideshow]
Impact on Police Services
Impact on Residents
Pathways Forward
Council Discussion DM Corey Snow: Community Navigator (City of Charlottetown have significant resources in this area and said, "he is a little concerned the City of Summerisde does not have any [resources for community navigators]." Suggested it would be appropriate for the City to reach out to the Province re: providing similiar support to Summerside. Carrie Adams: Asked about timeline on low barrier shelter. CAO Gordan MacFarlane stated the Province is close to determine who the operator of the facility will be. Justin Doiron: Asked about the various community groups performing some of those duties. Mayor Dan Kutcher: Referenced that the Province created the Park Street shelter in 90 days but it has been since January and no shelter in Summerside. The need to connect the three items: shelters & affordable housing, addictions, and mental health. Chief Sinclair stated the John Howard Society conducted an assessment of the unhoused population in Summerside recently. Deputy Chief Blacquiere presented that in 2024 there has only been one call re: public drug use. READS CORNER DEVELOPMENT Map of 2024 Projects: Two large AT-related projects will be occurring in 2024: Phase 1 of Pope Road and Phase 1 of East-West Connector. |
June 4, 2024: Planning Board & Committee of the Whole, Special Council Meeting Overview of Bylaw Enforcement Officer Details City Staff to provide security personnel for boardwalk and parks. Crosswalk request: Heather Moyse Drive. City Staff to review. |