We work to bring an official Active Transportation Network Plan to the City of Summerside.
Our All Ages & All Abilities Active Transportation Network Plan (99 Pages) was presented to City Council on March 20, 2023. On April 4, 2023, City Council directed City Staff to review our AT Network Plan, work with SAFE, and provide recommendations back to Council. City Staff reviewed the AT Network Plan on September 29, 2023, and asked us questions and asked for additional recommendations concerning intersections. We provided a response to City Staff (and Council) on December 7, 2023, in the form of two detailed documents (155 pages in total): Our Response to City Staff and an AT Retrofit of Intersections. The City presented a draft AT Network Map on January 9, 2024, during the Community of the Whole meeting with the intent to bring the draft to Planning Board. SAFE presented a letter to Planning Board outlining our concerns with the draft Network Map. This is where the process currently sits.
Check out our March 20, 2023, Network Plan Council presentation below:
Thanks to SAFE Member, Nate Williams, who created this interactive Google Map of our proposed network! You'll notice we have added the locations of the collisions between pedestrians/cyclists and motor vehicles in Summerside - you can toggle on/off the collisions at any time.
(This is our most up-to-date Network Map Recommendations)
Green = Protected (on or off Street) AT Pathway
Dark Blue = On-Street Blue Line
Red = On-Street Red Line
Light Blue = Off-Street Recreation Trail
Yellow = Off-Street Confederation Trail
Orange = On-Street Connector
The "Big Three" Key Documents:
Our full recommendations can be found in these three documents
1. The Full Network Paper (99 Pages, March 2023) [HIGH-RESOLUTION DOWNLOAD]
2. SAFE'S Response to City Staff (67 Pages, December 7, 2023) - some portions of our AT Network Map have been modified as per City Staff considerations.
3. An Active Transportation Retrofit for Intersections that Pose a Risk to AT Users (88 Pages, December 7, 2023)—City Staff asked SAFE for recommendations on intersections for AT in the City.
How Did We Get Here?
The local AT community providing suggestions / ideas on what an active transportation network in Summerside and Area could look like. Many people, having traveled the same roads for decades, had specific recommendations for improving the AT infrastructure. This process was ongoing between August 2022 and October 2022, and resulted in numerous draft documents before the "official" draft document would be released. Over two dozen AT members provided input into the draft document.
The Draft Plan was released to the Public during a short Walk / Ride Event on October 15, 2022. We met at Holman's Ice Cream Parlour (286 Fitzroy Street), went for a short, family-friendly ride (boardwalk, Greenwood Drive bike lane, Confederation Trail), and returned to City Hall. Some people joined us en route, waiting for us to arrive and then joining like a train. It was a wonderful celebration of where active transportation is in Summerside, and where it can be headed. In the words of one participant, "I never thought Summerside would get here in my lifetime." In total, 40+ people participated in various modes of AT.
SAFE Summerside hosted two Open Houses to offer a more "formal" opportunity for the general public / community to come together, learn about the Plan, and provide suggestions as part of this consultation process before the Plan is finalized and submitted to the city. The dates for the Open Houses were: Thursday, Oct 27, and Saturday, Oct 29. Both events occurred at the Summerside Rotary Library (57 Central Street), ADL Room (downstairs).
Councillors Bruce MacDougall and Cory Snow attended the Saturday session. They were both active participants. We provided the Councillors with a potential funding stream that could significantly increase AT infrastructure in the near future. Councillor MacDougall questioned why West Drive was not also listed as a need for an AT protected pathway, as it was the street recording the highest number of speeding tickets in the city, and West Drive was included in the 2007 City of Summerside "A Green Transportation Plan" that recommended 8 high-traffic streets have an AT pathway.
Well, West Drive is now added to our proposed network. Thanks, Bruce!
We presented a funding stream to the City on October 29, 2022, in which the city could commit $1M and receive $10M in new AT infrastructure next year. On November 13, 2022, we provided SAFE Summerside's recommendations on the priorities for that $10M. The opportunity to "pool" the resources of two different funding sources creates an opportunity for Summerside never seen before! On December 23, 2022, as we prepared a revised document to illustrate our priorities to including Cycling Without Age, we reached out to the Province to determine if the bilateral agreement needed to be amended before the city could apply to the Fund we proposed. It was at this time we learned all of the funds were exhausted, and they were no longer accepting applications.
From mid-December onward, we had one-on-one meetings with the Mayor as well as any interested City Councillors to explain the AT Plan and also introduce the Cycling Without Age program. We met with Mayor Dan Kutcher and five Councillors: Bruce MacDougall, Justin Doiron, Rick Morrison, Barb Ramsey, and Barb Gallant. All Councillors were asked (no favorites, just so you know). We also meet with the CAO and Senior Management to receive their guidance and answer any questions, and had follow-up emails regarding previous costs. Below is a photo of Mayor Dan Kutcher and SAFE Spokesperson Ken Trenholm meeting on Dec 22, 2022. It was a 60-minute meeting, on Mayor Kutcher's 17th day of office (notice the bicycle mug Ken is holding, which sits on the Mayor's desk daily).
The All Ages & All Abilities Active Transportation Network Plan Final Report was presented to City Council on March 20, 2023 during the Council Meeting. Our presentation to City Council was viewed as positive. While our AT Network Plan or Cycling Without Age was not adopted, the City provided a process that may lead to the City creating an Official Plan, with the core of our plan being the creation of the safe infrastructure necessary for Cycling Without Age. This is encouraging and optimistic. Change and planning take time. You can watch our entire presentation to City Council here:
On top of our 14-minute video presentation, Council asked us questions for approx 45 minutes following our presentation. In all our observations of City Council Meetings, we have never observed a 45 min Q&A, nor have we witnessed City Council doing a round of applause for the number of supporters who filled the seats. Further, with close to 40 supporters of active transportation and Cycling Without Age serving as witnesses in the chambers, the City needed to bring out more chairs from storage to accommodate everyone.
As we said, there were some key points and supportive comments to highlight:
"I think a lot of the leg work has been done for us. . . I think, quite realistically, you likely saved the City thousands and thousands of dollars that we would have had to put into studies [etc.]. The work that has been done is phenomenal, and I hope we can work towards adopting this, or part of this, or all of this, as an AT policy for the City . . . you have my support."
Councillor Doiron
"I want to commend your tenacity on this . . . everything you have presented to Council shows the amount of time and effort you put into it. Regardless of where Council decides to go with active transportation moving forward, I personally do support [active transportation]., "
Deputy Mayor Snow
"It is very unusual where you get handed a plan of this quality and magnitude. . . It is well thought out, well positioned, and considerate. It highlights . . .how important active transportation can be for the health of individuals from age 8 to 80, the planet, and the environment. How active transportation can build more equitable and inclusive communities . . . really showcasing what communities are all about. . . . I will certainly encourage Council to work hard at [moving an active transportation plan beyond the draft stage], and I've said this many times, I think this is really important for the future of our community, For those who need to get out and exercise and socialize, there are real benefits both in body and in mind, but also an important retention and attraction tool for young families . . . I'm optimistic and thankful, and I think I speak for all of Council here tonight. Thankful for your presentation and everyone behind you, and I know there is a whole bunch of people behind them. This takes a real group effort, and we can consider the plan submitted at this stage so we can get it to staff and I would encourage any member of the Council to bring it forward at the next Committee of the Whole Meeting . . . You've presented a really viable framework with a long-term action plan."
Mayor Dan Kutcher
The outcome: If Council wish to proceed, they will bring this issue to the Committee of the Whole Agenda, and may make a request to the City Staff to work towards an Official AT Network Plan. This was a historical moment in the history of our city. We made history together!
On April 4, 2023, City Council votes unanimously in support of the following motion during the Committee of the Whole meeting:
"To accept the report as presented by Ken Trenholm and SAFE Summerside and to direct the CAO to work with Ken Trenholm and SAFE Summerside to bring forward an Official Active Transportation Network Plan for the City of Summerside for Council's review, consideration, and potential adoption"
Mayor Dan Kutcher presents the Motion
Councillor Justin Doiron requested that active transportation be placed on the Agenda for this meeting. The meeting opens with Councillor Doiron stating:
"I was really looking forward to addressing all of you [SAFE Summerside members in attendance] so I am sorry I could not be there [Councillor Doiron was sick at home]. A few nights ago, Ken Trenholm gave a presentation on behalf of SAFE and I was thoroughly impressed with the depth of that presentation. I said it then, and I'll say it now, I think that if Council is at all interested in pursuing an AT Plan for the City . . . I really think we've been handed a plan potentially worth tens of thousands of dollars. Will there need to be amendments made by staff to really make this work? Maybe, but maybe not, I think the foundation has been laid and this just makes sense. . . I think we can pioneer this as a City. We've pioneered so many other initiatives. So much work has been done for us up to this point, and I think we owe it to the incredible number of residents, supporters, and organizations of this initiative to get the ball rolling. So, with Council's support, I like to ask Staff to begin the steps of adopting and implementing this plan."
Councillor Doiron
Here is the response by the City Council as each Councillor presented their views on the All Ages & All Abilities Active Transportation Network Plan for the City of Summerside:
In the words of the Councillors:
"I have no issue with this going forward to Staff for review and recommendations and make sure if there are any issues within the Plan that do not fit with the municipality. To your point, there has been a ton of work done by Ken and his group, so there is definitely value in exploring the plan further. Taking a really deep dive into everything in there. . . I think it would be a wise decision to utilize that Plan the way it sits now and see how far we can move it down the line."
Deputy Mayor Snow
"I think it is a great idea that we continue to look at this and work on it and try to bring it to fruition. . . . And, it may not all happen, but at least, it should be looked at. It would be terrible if it just sat on the shelf somewhere collecting dust. It is very important. Health care is the biggest issue we have right now and this is just another step towards helping people be healthy, and setting up your City as a place people want to be active in, and come to. So, I agree, it is a great thing, and whatever we can do to help, we should be doing."
Councillor Rick Morrison
"I want to thank Ken for putting this together. I am 100% behind whatever Staff can do to pull this together. This is going to affect people from 8 to 80. So, good job."
Councillor Barb Gallant
"I listened to Ken's presentation and thought it was great. I would have no problem with Council accepting the report and sending it off to Technical Services for review and recommendations. I think it is a great start."
Councillor Bruce MacDougall
I do think you put a phenomenal presentation together that will be really helpful for Council. It is an important one that leads to activity and socialization for all ages, health, all of those things. . . . I know Councillor Doiron has indicated that possibly the City could pioneer as the City a municipal plan, and I think that sounds really good. The only thing that I caution us on . . . is how many people would be from the municipality of Summerside because eventually if it was something the City pioneers it is going to come on to our taxpayers. . . I think it is an excellent program and hopefully we can see a partnership moving together."
Councillor Normal McColeman
"The information and the time it took to compile that report, it was something else. And it was very well received. It was something you could understand. You didn't have to try to dissect it. It was very easy and visual. That helps. But I did want to ask as on the weekend I noticed there is a house accepting bikes for SAFE Summerside [conversation then on our Bicycle Recycle Program headed by Peter Collins of Rideout's Bicycle Repair in Ellerslie]. "
Councillor Carrie Adams
It was unanimous support by all Council Members. Mayor Dan Kutcher said, "We look forward to hearing from Staff and bringing forward an Official Active Transportation Plan for the City of Summerside. Thank you very much, Ken, and all of the people who are here with you. You have worked really hard on this. We are not here yet, but certainly, a lot further down the path than before. So, thank you very much."
We thank the Mayor and Council for supporting this initiative. And, with special reverence to Councillor Justin Doiron, who asked that active transportation be placed on the Agenda for discussion.
The Staff has been directed to review and provide recommendations on our All Ages & All Abilities Active Transportation Network Plan by Council. As of August 16, 2023, in communication with Mayor Kutcher, it was reported the review and recommendations of our Plan are on the Planning and Priorities Agenda, with the understanding that a formal review and recommendations should be completed by the Fall of 2023.
SAFE Summerside received an email from the City Staff indicating they completed the review of our Network Plan and asked a number of questions (via email) on September 29, 2023, regarding the plan and Staff considerations. SAFE is in the process of writing a letter in response to their questions and is (obviously!) excited about this opportunity to collaborate with the City Staff, Mayor, and Council on this exciting and much-needed AT Network Plan. This is a historic moment!
As part of the questions asked by City Staff (see #9), City Staff stated that there are a number of "concerning intersections" in the city for AT users and asked SAFE Summerside to provide recommendations on intersections. Since September 29, we have been working (long hours) to create a detailed Intersection Plan for the City of Summerside.
Two Public Meetings were held on October 26, 2023 (morning and evening), to discuss SAFE's recommendations and ask for public input and suggestions on intersections they feel are dangerous and to come up with ideas and solutions together. The meetings provided pivotal community consultation, resulting in some key recommendations that SAFE will incorporate into their final recommendations to the City.
On November 7, 2023, The City of Summerside Deputy CAO/Director of Community Services stated at the Committee of the Whole meeting: "We requested that SAFE Summerside present to us a prioritization of the network. It's a fairly bold and expansive plan. It's certainly a great plan, one that we dove into pretty deeply from a staff perspective and provided some feedback back to SAFE. The reality, it will take a number of years to get a lot of that work done. So, for us, prioritization of the plan, and getting the routes done was a critical piece of that...Our hope is to have a Network Plan in place by the New Year."
Concerns with Bidirectional - With concern about the City planning to build a bidirectional AT Pathway on the new 2.2 km East-West Housing Corridor, we provided a video presentation on November 5, 2023, to City Staff and City Council to discuss the research and inherent risks of contraflow traffic on bidirectional AT pathways. We provided three studies on the risks of bidirectional as well as the risks of bidirectional by current users of Greenwood Drive. SAFE believes every street needs to be assessed on whether a bidirectional or unidirectional is more suitable (with a lens on future development), and the public (user groups) and SAFE should be consulted before the final design is approved by the City. In the Committee of the Whole meeting (November 7, 2023), the City stated, "To suggest that either unidirectional or bidirectional is correct or incorrect, there is no baseline for that . . . there is commentary from some enthusiasts who say it works great, some say it is not, so it's very anecdotal. Tech Services continues to say that until we get Provincial Design Standards, we are making our best guess." The video below highlights three studies that speak directly to research, and we are working on an Annotated Bibliography to highlight research:
Parkview Senior Citizens Club - We met with the Parkview Senior Citizens Club at their General Member Meeting (Nov 13, 2023). The group supports a pedestrian/cyclist shared paved protected pathway separated from vehicular traffic. It was reported that members would rather use asphalt than sidewalks since, with age, comes a decrease in mobility and an increased risk of falling - the flat and smooth pavement was felt to be safer. We have witnessed people with mobility issues choosing to be on the street even when a sidewalk is available for this reason. In total, ten recommendations were brought forward that will be included in our response to the City.
Summerside Boys & Girls Club - We meet with the Summerside Boys and Girls Club Staff on November 28, 2023. A number of traffic safety issues were identified with concrete solutions. They became a part of our recommendations.
First Response to the City - On December 7, 2023, we submitted two additional documents to the City of Summerside as per the follow-up on questions or considerations posed by City Staff on September 29 of our March 2023 Network Map. These documents are both detailed and work as a unit. Thanks to all of the In-It-Together Team and other community volunteers who helped take photos, measure distances, review, and make recommendations. Small City. Big Opportunities:
An Active Transportation Retrofit for Intersections that Pose a Risk to AT Users
Second Response to the City - On February 2, 2024, we submitted a letter to the Planning Board outlining our concerns based on the draft Network Map presented by City Staff on January 9, 2024, at the Committee of the Whole. We discussed several gaps in the proposed Network Map and the fact that a Network Map and a Network Plan are two distinct documents, urging the City to create a Network Plan.
A Static Map Image of our First Proposed Network Plan (March 2023)